If it’s worth learning, it’s worth Excellent Learning.
Educational Success Formula
Excellent Content + Best Professional Teachers +
Universal Design for Learning = Optimized Learning

Let’s break down this formula.

Content is the foundation of all training. We can start with the EC already available in your organization, or research and create content for you.

Once approved, the EC needs to be organized, simplified into bite-sized chunks, and structured by a professional who has spent years learning the best way to deliver content. The content requires clarity and flow. Excellent Learning uses some of the best teachers in the world, certified in Canada by the provincial teachers’ colleges.

Universal design has many components but can be broken down into a simple formula of its own. Differentiated Instruction (DI) + Technology = UDL
We’re aware that we all have different styles of learning, yet most training material is delivered primarily in one format, a lecture (auditory), or in writing (one style of visual).
UDL is key to avoid leaving at least 20% of your audience behind.

60% reach

80% reach

100% reach
Excellent Content with a good instructor = 60% reach (reaches 60% of students)
Excellent Content + Best Professional Teachers (using advanced teaching techniques) = 80% reach
Excellent Content + Best Professional Teachers + Universal Design for Learning = 100% reach
When we combine excellent content with the skill of a professional teacher and add the element of differentiated instruction delivered with up-to-date relevant technology, we achieve our goal of Optimized Learning.

End-to-End or à La Carte
Whether you are looking for an end-to-end solution or to supplement parts of the process, Excellent Learning can optimize the training and upskilling needs within your organization and beyond.